It's easier than you might think. A degree in Digital Learning Leadership has turned out to be completely different than I thought it would be and I mean that in a good way.
I think the biggest struggle I am encountering during this masters program is carving out the time to complete my best work and the fact that these classes seem out of order (it is not good for my OCD and ADD). I find myself doing things at the last minute because I have so much going on with actual teaching and I am not able to put forth my best effort. With that being said, I do fully attempt to do the best that I can without putting my social, emotional health at risk.
I have learned a lot by looking at the examples and other people's sites. I have been able to create my page and fully appreciate all the input I get from everyone that views it. I know that I need to still work on a few things, but overall I feel like I have done a pretty good job. It actually looks like a real website and I didn't have to Google coding for dummies.
Areas of Growth;
1- trying to stay caught up on posts/discussions
2- a new image for my homepage (or make the current one smaller)
3- quality and not quantity in my blogposts
4- not worrying too much about what others think, but take the constructive criticism as growth
5- creating a domain name